Posted on Wednesday, 2 July 2003 at 03:19 PM. About

Kind of blue

It's not quite activated sludge, but it's not fully inert, so what do we have? A two-phase region. *ba-doom*
That was a thermodynamics joke. No thermodynamics joke has ever been funny, ever.

Anyway, this is just a note to say I'm going to be out of town for a few days, which mosly means that I'll be writing from South Dakota instead of Iowa. This doesn't matter to all but a few people, I guess, so that note is for them.

Reader, please remind me! While I am back home, I will type up a couple of dreams I had lately, one involving a misogynist talking tuna and the other finally explaining why I never used to wear pants in my dreams. I write down my dreams because all I do lately is review music and solve engineering problems, neither of which is horribly interesting. No talking fish, anyway, which is a pity. I think the impending shortage of engineers would be averted if more engineering textbooks made use of this sort of thing.

More updates as changes warrant.

2 comment(s) on 'Kind of blue'.

  1. 1 Daniel
    Posted on Wednesday, 2 July 2003 at 07:08 PM about 'Kind of blue'.

    In my dream last night, I averted a bank explosion. I was sitting in a car, from there I saw a man carrying explosives into the building across the street, so I asked him to stop and he did. Oh, and it seems the building USED to be a bank, and that now it was a lawyer's office and auto repair shop. The man was scorned by the bank before they went bankrupt fifteen years earlier, it seems they wouldn't give him a loan. It took him the intervening fifteen years to exact his revenge, although the bank was no longer in operation.

    The man was a clown of sorts. Or maybe he just happened to have a lot of costumes in his van. boxing gloves, and hats. lots of hats.

  2. 2 Jesse Jund
    Posted on Friday, 4 July 2003 at 04:18 AM about 'Kind of blue'.

    dont know if you will see this in time, but I think there is a crew of people heading down to the heritage fest this afternoon (july 4) around 1/2ish...Other than that, not sure whats going on this weekend...a barbeque sounds like a good time, but I dont really have a grill, or friends...sad...anyhow, 716-2325...hope to see you soon rob!

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