I don't often cop to watching... *ahem*... anime, but after a month or so I just wrapped up my viewing of the well-known crazy apocalyptic Jewish giant robot psychothriller cartoon and wow. It really didn't make any damn sense. I had planned on just watching the ending and going to bed after work last night, but after seeing that mess I felt compelled to stay up and go through every damn Wikipedia article, the plot summaries on this website and fast-forward through half of the (twenty-six) episodes until it a sort of tenuous, sophistic logic suddenly appeared before me. "Ah!" I said to myself, "now I finally understand why the psychopath's borderline/depressive son had to get in the giant biomechanical Jesus to fight the evil Kabbala moon monsters in the first place!" And then it dawned on me, just what I had been doing all night instead of sleeping or otherwise preparing for my ten-hour drive to Rapid City today. So I'll probably be a little late getting there now.
For my own future refence: hey Rob, when that crazy art student from Wyoming asked me at Nic's house that one time, apropos nothing, if I had seen "Eva" and then said I looked like some guy from "the series," it turns out she was talking about that guy on the right. Checked it with Alan yesterday, he said she was crazy too.
I mean, after spending twelve hours of screen time setting up all these mysteries and seeming contradictions and developing nuanced relationships between the characters--not to mention insane giant robot action--and setting the main characters up for their greatest challenge, the writer just said "hang it all" and spent the last two episodes psychoanalyzing our hero, Emo Boy. Where's the "resolution" in that? What good is the "falling action?"
But then the series creator realizes this and has to go back and make an alternate ending into a feature film which is even more ridiculous; a film which starts out with one of the most disturbing scenes involving a comatose girl I've ever seen, and near the end features a short bit where one of the minor characters is killed when a naked ghost the size of the moon hurls a clutch of schoolgirls at him, obliterating his soul.
I mean, I can't believe I'm missing my kid sister's play tonight because of this! Well, this and all those emails and such I had to square away. And oh, right, the blizzard that's supposed to meet me somewhere around Mitchell.
But still, what is wrong with me? I ask you.