Station Break  1

Posted on Wednesday, 8 September 2004 at 11:49 PM. About shows.

On Monday night after work I hit up the tail-end of a show at the Vaudeville Mews in Des Moines...

These kids were playing for about five people when we walked in. I guess that's the peril of doing a Labor Day show. They didn't have a very distinctive sound--just another progressive rock band--but they sure worked hard at rocking out. Lots of strutting.

Servo almost came with us to this show, but right after I called him about it, he called back and said, "Wait, Sushirobo? I thought you said Seksu Roba. Now I'm not so interested... I think I'll write that philosophy paper instead."
What Sushirobo was--they were a well-dressed, four-piece space-rock band with lots of effects pedals. I counted eighteen in front of the lead guitarist; the other guitar player had at least a half-dozen, plus one of those nice multi-function digital boxes. And they really were well-dressed: tailored suits, nice ties, good hair. Even their guitars were nice. I can't imagine ever listening to their CD, but they were nice guys and put on a good show--Sushirobo is probably the first band I've called "space-rock" without being snide or insulting.

Bad grammar aside, the trip was a nice distraction between ten-hour shifts delivering pizza. The only real negative was the British pub Royal Mile being inexpliciably closed--on an American holiday, no less. My hunger for fish and chips is not sated, gov'nuh!

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I have a spot on Talkchat to rush to, so no multimedia content this time. Sorry, folks.

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