17 November 2001
November 18 just barely.
Only the realios, as Alana calls them, will understand the significance
I place on November 17th, and will understand what I mean when I say that
November 17th sucked. I came to a number of realizations about a number
of facets of my life, and I got the chance to have a number of interesting
conversations with a number of good people, but taken as a whole, the day
really sucked. I had a feeling it would, but the seventeenth hit harder than
I had thought; I tried to act my way through it just as I smiled through
the joke that was the 28th of April, but after the first couple of hours,
I couldn't hold my character.
Some actor I am, eh?
But I hit the ground running when the clock tolled midnight, and I have
a good idea of what to do now. Perhaps the future of this isn't as bleak
as I first thought.
Sorry for whining at you like this, but I think yesterday was one of those days I'm going to want to remember and make a note of. So it is noted.