Door Policy
It turns out that some of the content on my college's student organization web server is actually pretty useful. Case in point: the elusive door policy vaguely referred to in my housing contract:
Terms and conditions of the 2001-2002 Room and Board Contract in an Undergraduate Residence Hall, Section III, Subsection 17, Heading 5: Material on Doors
The display of material on the exterior of room doors is subject to the conditions of the Inter-Residence Hall Association Door Policy. Copies of the policy may be obtained on the Department of Residence Web page, from your RA/CA or hall director, or by writing to the Department of Residence, 1203 Friley Hall.
...the IRHA was finally kind enough to
put it up on its
website. I'm posting it as HTML here if you don't
want to bother with Microsoft Word. When I got a copy of the housing contract (it's
a great read!), I vowed to obtain a copy of the Door Policy just to see what all the
fuss was about. Come on now, a door policy? Must every aspect of student
life be delineated by rules and regulations? Is what people place on their doors
such a big deal that a Door Policy is needed to rein them in?
Yes. Hence, the Inter-Residence Hall Association
Door Policy.
My housing contract says nothing about floor mats, however, so I think I'm going to
buy a big welcome mat, throw it outside my door and see how long it takes for Sanborn
House to descend into total anarchy.
Other IRHA zaniness, taken from
Linden - we're having date auction guys and girls Nov 30 at 9 PM in lounge spread the word. we're having a dance after.
UDA President - will Linden be auctioning self?
Linden - that or mc-ing
Upper Friley - can you repeat everything?
Linden - 10 men and 10 women Nov 30 9pm linden lounge about an hour followed by a dance until 2
TRA President - why are you doing this?
Linden - our government has no money