Hidden message in the source
No real structural updates or anything like that this time;
just a short statement.
I've had processor, memory, and video upgrades singing
in Silph for a while now. It's glorious. The hard drives have
stopped thrashing, the web browsers can finally keep up with the
campus network connection, and I can run more than one mid-weight
program at once now.
And what am I doing with all this ramped up hardware?
Metal Slug! I
finally beat it, and it only took me 31 credits! That's about two
pizzas right there, or one
Gordon CD. I almost cleared 19xx too, but Silph felt like taking
a little break, so it rebooted and I got a soda instead.
I think that's pretty much it. I like shooters. I am a big geek.
I admit all.
Thank you for your time.