Posted on Friday, 4 February 2005 at 02:16 AM. About the world.


KA KA POI got home from doing TalkChat tonight, and I was wondering about something. We regularly talk about animals on our discussion-type radio show, because that's what my roommate and I talk about around the house. We like animals.

So there's this bird called the kakapo that used to live in New Zealand, back before European settlers arrived. It is believed that at first--millions of years ago--they were unremarkable parrots, except for their strangely fragrant odor, but once they migrated to the pristine and predator-free islands of New Zealand, they got a little lazy. By the time humans arrived, first from Polynesia and later from Europe, the kakapo had evolved into a fat, contented and very friendly parrot that could not fly and was soon poached down to very scant numbers.

Part of the problem was the kakapo's peculiar mating habits. The kakapo mates once every couple of years--or tries to, at least. In order to attract females during mating season, male kakapos dig themselves big bowls in the dirt, then sit in these bowls and screech a very low-pitched, booming screech that can be heard for miles in any direction. However, much like the dilemma of the bass car in the crowded parking lot, the females have a hard time finding where exactly the male is booming from because as a matter of basic physics, bass vibrations are hard to localize. To make up for this, a male kakapo will boom up to six hours every night for months on end in the hopes that a female will actually show up at his hole, but this doesn't always happen.

I guess the lesson is that in nature, as in romance, the secret is in being in the right place at the right time. But whatever. I just thought it was a cool bird, and I wanted to be able to find it later. I mean, for years I've been calling it the ack-ack, which itself is my garbled interpretation of the Aye-Aye lemur. But there's supposedly a video that I would like to watch later too, so... lemurs, man. Lemurs.

3 comment(s) on 'Kakapo'.

  1. 1 jesse
    Posted on Sunday, 13 February 2005 at 01:03 PM about 'Kakapo'.


    that was informative...thank you, I can now tell fellow mates of the distinct ritual of the kakapo. They will be ecstatic.

  2. 2 Jesse
    Posted on Thursday, 10 March 2005 at 04:41 PM about 'Kakapo'.

    Oh...and congrats to your basketball team. I dont usually watch, but its been a good month to watch.

  3. 3 Justinn
    Posted on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 at 01:05 AM about 'Kakapo'.

    Your slipping with this rant. What made you kool was the fact that you came on srtnog by not being bought or bias. Cut this out .and by the way, Fuck Beats and Fuck that old juiced up, ain't made a slammin track in years, been there, done that muthafukka with the over-priced shit and move over .there are better producers out ther today. Let it go you ain't hungry no more. Your rich!

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