Desk lamp or something
Right. I'm not sure what to make of all of this.
Apple has previewed its new iMac, and it looks like a desk lamp or
something. A
desk lamp, natch, but a desk lamp all the same. I have heard
agreement on this much at least, and I am glad.
The Euro coinage, it turns out,
rigged to land on heads more often than not when flipped. This was
likely unintentional, but it is very good to know.
BBC story
and a MeFi
thread accompany this. ...I would make light of these
two gentlemen were it not for the fact they exist beneath a threshhold
of sheer... pity below which wit loses its humorous appeal. Mocking
these two would be akin to laughing at a kitten falling down a well
as it idylly chases a butterfly, or scoffing at the
plight of NBA superstar Michael Jordan. It would not be fair.
As for myself, I will return to the soybean-saturated fields of Iowa in three days' time. ...yaay. Iowa. Eh. In the meaning time, a happy (slightly belated) birthday to Jesse Jund, and a big "Get Well Soon" to the folk at Stevens High School of Rapid City. Hooray!