Posted on Tuesday, 8 January 2002 at 09:21 PM. About

Desk lamp or something

Right. I'm not sure what to make of all of this.
Apple has previewed its new iMac, and it looks like a desk lamp or something. A US$1700 desk lamp, natch, but a desk lamp all the same. I have heard agreement on this much at least, and I am glad.
The Euro coinage, it turns out, is rigged to land on heads more often than not when flipped. This was likely unintentional, but it is very good to know.
A BBC story and a MeFi thread accompany this. ...I would make light of these two gentlemen were it not for the fact they exist beneath a threshhold of sheer... pity below which wit loses its humorous appeal. Mocking these two would be akin to laughing at a kitten falling down a well as it idylly chases a butterfly, or scoffing at the current plight of NBA superstar Michael Jordan. It would not be fair.

As for myself, I will return to the soybean-saturated fields of Iowa in three days' time. ...yaay. Iowa. Eh. In the meaning time, a happy (slightly belated) birthday to Jesse Jund, and a big "Get Well Soon" to the folk at Stevens High School of Rapid City. Hooray!

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