Mormon-bashing the real new Olympic event?
Also, the anchor of this MSNBC show interviews the anchor of
another MSNBC show about allegations of media bias.
What? Media bias? I dunno... Chris, are we biased?
((That link probably won't be good after tonight, so use the mirror.))
A few entries ago, I mentioned Andre Torrez, and how his
website used to be
pretty great. Well, he restored the
and not only is all the 'great' back again, there is a
steady stream of new goodness coming from the man himself!
Hooray, hooray.
Oh, on a related note for the one called
Google: it's called
The Lost Friends of Andy Baio,
my scripted friend. Please index it, so that he may find
happiness. Additionally,
IP sucks, and the best picture ever has been
That's most of the backlog, I think... there's so much of it because after I finished my homework Sunday, but before I started in on this post in earnest, I decided to attempt an install of BeOS on my computer. Why BeOS? Because. In the end, it was a long and arduous process, involving four partition shuffles with Parted, one voided boot loader, six destroyed floppies ("Virtually all 1.44 drives support 1.722 just fine, but it is possible for an extended format to break a floppy drive. Use tomsrtbt at your own risk."), and five or six hours of time down the drain, all because after I managed to secure proper hard drive partitioning, the installation disc wouldn't load because my CD-ROM drive is too flaky. The ironic bit here is that the installer loaded a message off of its CD telling me it couldn't find the installation CD. So now I have an eight gigabyte blank BFS slice on my second hard drive, and also it's now Monday. Funny, that.
I don't know, some final news to tide you over until the next post: First, Jesse and Matt put up a new site. Free music! Go. And secondly, view this picture. Take careful notice of the three people in the picture, and of their names. Now compare to this story. This is why I watch hockey (see [February 4]) instead of taking journalism classes. Thank you. Good night.