Posted on Saturday, 2 March 2002 at 08:54 PM. About


Hi. I haven't slept in about thirty-six hours, but it's not so bad. One of the hip-hop DJs at the station said his personal record was something like ninety hours, set during a laid-over flight from Seattle to Japan. I suppose my situation isn't so bad, but I haven't stayed up past four in at least seven months, and I'm a bit disconcerted right now. Focusing on the screen and typing is a major effort... Anne Greenwood strongly recommended that I get some sleep. Perhaps I will. First, though, I want to get some fragmented memories down on "paper":

  1. Seven drunk girls in the main stairwell, and one more standing dazed in a men's hall near the stairwell the next morning.
  2. Meeting Hannah, and discovering her to be the most impossibly upbeat and cheerful girl I've ever met. "I'm really eleven years old," she explained, holding a lighter to the ends of a bead bracelet with the words "I (HEART) JEBUS" arranged on one side. For at least six hours, she was the sole source of the station's energy as we all stumbled blindly through a dark, snowy night of trivia and ringing phones.
  3. Shar, Jerry, and some of the old KURE staff coming back and... heh heh. They had a lot of fun.
  4. Scavenger hunts. Giant sombreros, clowns, an army of fridges, "Grungy Ernie five-inches", cheese balls. One of the items to find was a sorority girl. Some of the sorority girls weren't so happy about being yanked off of the street and "found".
  5. A sled race. Ninety minutes to find cardboard, build a sled, and race it. Every team brought out a sled, even the team that was still a bit drunk. They finished almost last, but with a little cheering, they finished, smiling like crazy.
  6. The Moton Challenge: play the station's music director in a video game, namely the Dreamcast's NBA 2k2. One kid managed to get to overtime before being slaughtered.
  7. Dodging a $6 parking fee thanks to four to six inches of snow, then spending a half-hour out in the snow with Carl and The Bathing Ape watching teams pile white stuff. Later, a pop quiz with the "flirtiest" member of each team.
  8. Petes, my beat-up, '86 Buick Somerset must be some strange kind of god-beast. Its underpowered, four-cylinder engine tore through some fat snow drifts as big four-wheel drive trucks and SUVs slid all over the place. One red Ford extended-cab truck came screaming through a stop sign and around a curve near my residence hall with front wheels heading straight down the middle of the road and back wheels pointed at an obscene angle to the curb. I am unsure if this was an intentional display.
  9. Orson Welles did a voice on Transformers: The Movie?
  10. Listening to the station manager and treasurer spin some great trance and breaks, then yielding to some incredible variety music by a former music director.
  11. Blatant sexual innuendo.

There is more, but I'm thoroughly zonked right now, and am rapidly losing concentration. Good night, all.

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