Posted on Thursday, 14 August 2003 at 01:47 PM. About

Simple vs. nerdy pleasures

I'm glad to hear that people are still entertained by simple things in this town. For a long time, I've been afraid that it was just me.

(Picture taken from Ames Tribune Online.)


Geek-out time:
We're still working on getting the Intar-web at home, so I'm typing this from a computer lab on the university campus. A different computer lab this time, though, one that uses the Macintosh Operating System, version 10.2.1. I think I'm ready to come over to the side of good and use my powers to help people now, because this stuff is spiffy. All of the terminal functions connect to the campus mainframe instead of the local host, which means that all I have to do is click the little "iTerm" button and I have an entire supercomputer at my disposal. Well... I suppose not at just my disposal; it looks like I'm sharing it with four other people right now. Even so, this must be the neatest lab computer ever.

I guess I have to amend my computer recommendation: if you have a mainframe in your living room (I hear they make great coffee tables), you should go buy a Mac. Everyone else will still be fine with a Shuttle XPC tucked in the breadbox.

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