Posted on Wednesday, 13 August 2003 at 01:22 PM. About


The drive back to Iowa yesterday--oh, I'm back in Ames for good, by the way--but the drive back to Iowa was about the most interesting ten hours I've ever spent alone. The Sioux Falls school board member who appeared on the South Dakota Forum, I think his name was Risty... I don't think he was crazy. I think it was for some other reason he kept chanting "cross my doorstep" over and over whenever callers questioned his positions. (RealAudio)

The radio shows for the afternoon just got better from there, which helped make the ten-hour trip quite bearable. Well, the stunt pilots who kept buzzine me helped too, I suppose. Oh, plus that giant-tire truck. And the NPR-affiliate DJ who played some very good songs by Senior Coconut and Metric and so forth.

Hopefully I will be able to find a working scanner on campus and scan in some pictures for your entertainment. I can't say I've been able to hit any presidents lately, which hurts my options, but I might be able to come up with something good.


Postscript: Travels with Tom. Hnghh? Thanks, New York Times.

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