Posted on Tuesday, 10 December 2002 at 03:31 PM. About

Only a matter of time

...what it all really comes down to is that something needs to change. I'm not sure what. I might need to change my career path, or I might be happy if I just get some new friends or do something small every day to better myself, like running a few miles or listening to a little Brahms. I think Cadet King would highly encourage both, and that seems like a pretty good standard to me. But flygirls and flyboys aside, I will work towards either making my life a little better somehow by the end of the next term, or I will flee Iowa for Hawaii or Canada or somewhere. This is a goal. I can work towards goals. I hope it will be enough.

Here are some (somewhat bland) photographs I took back in November with the crappy Government of the Student Body digital camera... sort of a "day in the life" thing? I went out with the camera looking for interesting things to photograph around campus... and sadly came back in an hour with a handful of snapshots. However! Here is a taste of the expansive Republic of Iowa:

  • Bookshelf
    My bookshelf. It's not as messy now.

  • Computer
    This is what I'm doing right now, actually, though I'm off to the market in a few.

  • Bo
    Not-quite Japanese graffiti. I tried translating it, and it works out to something like "NEW #1 ~~ CLAN!".
    I hope the person who put it there knew what he or she meant.

  • Lake
    Blurry picture of a lake. I learned that night that old digital cameras have very long exposure times.

  • Radio montage
    The radio station staff, in their day of hey. A few of those kids are gone now, which is too bad.

I tried to capture with the camera the awe-inspiring quantity of crow guano that now blankets every surface, but was unsuccessful without the use of a tripod. If it helps though, ponder this one word: SNOW.

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