Robert McMahon MY BEST SHOT 1. My "dream" in life is to live my life to be the fullest life that my life can be. 2. I hate it when I get cut off in traffic by these little fourteen year old drivers who can barely see over the wheel. 3. The world is five million people that have money ruling the five billion who don't. 4. I wish people would stop resolving to stop the annoying habits of theirs and then stop stopping before they stop the annoying habits they resolved to stop in the first place. 5. This school would be better if more happened while school was going on. 6. If I was given $10,000 I would probably blow it all on the lottery and win $5,000. (Hey, it's probably what I'd do!) 7. If I had to donate $5,000 of the above $10,000, I would give it to the United Way. 8. My dad is secretly my mother's sister's daughter's cousin's daughter's grandmother's sister-in-law's husband's father's son-in-law's wife's niece's biological father. Figure that one out. 9. My mom is my real biological mother. I have birth certificates which can prove this if you don't believe me. No, seriously! 10. This summer I plan to work at Hardee's or Perkins. 11. I am lonely when I am alone, because the state of being alone is one where a person has no companionship, and when a person has no companionship, a person becomes lonely, because "lonely" is another form of the word "alone", which is derived from the ancient Latin words "a", which means one, and "lone", which also means one, and when you combine the words "all and "lone", you get the word "alone" which must mean one one. So therefore, when I'm alone I'm lonely. 12. What angers me most is when I get blackmailed so that no matter what I do, I get in trouble for it. 13. My best attribute as a person is that I am alive, and therefore exhaling carbon dioxide, which plants need to survive. 14. I am envious of the people who live in India, because it is their belief that if you are good in life, you get to come back as a cow. 15. If you contrasted me to a celebrity, I am most LIKE that one guy who gets killed first in every horror movie you have ever seen. 16. My goals in life are to decide what I'm going to do with my life before I hit high school, so I can plan for what I am going to do with my life. Wait, I suppose it's a little late for that, huh? 17. If you contrasted me to a celebrity, I am most UNLIKE Tommy Lee, because I don't have a band, I'm not in jail, I don't hit women, I am not famous, and I have never been the subject of a joke on Leno. 18. Rapid City could be a better city if there was something for teenagers to do here, because all most teenagers is sit around, sit around at a friend's house, or work. 19. When I feel really down, I get back on my feet and fight back. 20. If I could change something about myself I would be taller. Much taller, like that guy on My Giant. He has it good. 21. A personal value that is very important to me is integrity. There are a lot of sellouts. 22. My biggest fear is that I will fear something. 23. Some "thing" that is very important to me is my fire extinguisher, because if my house was burning down, and there was only one thing I could grab, it would be my fire extinguisher, because that way I could put the fire out.