Goat at Central States Fair
Now, when I am not guiltily listening to the Avenue Q soundtrack, I am listening to Franz Ferdinand. (Thanks, Christopher!)
Girls, beware of the whimpster. Boys, make sure you're not a whimpster.
If anybody knows any bluegrass guitar instuctors in the Black Hills area, please let me know.
There is not a single scrunchie in the house. Not a hair tie to be found. What kind of long-haired girl am I, who cannot even tie back her hair? A frustrated one. I had no idea how much the occasional braid can improve productivity.
To follow up on the previous post, I'm suprised the Red Wings lost. I was almost sort of rooting for them.
There's only sport team that I moderately care about would be the All Blacks. To a lesser extent the Barcelona football team. Mostly because of their pretty uniforms.
I have way too much to do and not a lot of time to do it in.