So... I guess the following passage speaks for itself. Why do people use computers?
[18:54] djpwee1: hey
[18:54] NitrOus Cow: yo
[18:54] djpwee1: what
[18:55] NitrOus Cow: ?
[18:55] djpwee1: cow ho...
[18:57] djpwee1: bye....
[18:57] NitrOus Cow: umm
[18:57] NitrOus Cow: bye
[18:57] djpwee1: ok...
[18:58] djpwee1: who are u
[18:58] NitrOus Cow: you're the one who messaged me
[18:58] NitrOus Cow: you fucking asians
[18:59] djpwee1: u are so mean
[18:59] NitrOus Cow: you people don't know how to type worth a shit
[18:59] NitrOus Cow: tell casey I said that too
[18:59] NitrOus Cow: and tell him to smarten up, and not let people use his account to type to random people.
[19:00] djpwee1: u are take to a gril
[19:00] NitrOus Cow: right, that makes no sense
[19:00] NitrOus Cow: learn how to speak
[19:01] djpwee1: tell me your name
[19:01] NitrOus Cow: Why?
[19:01] NitrOus Cow: casey knows who I am... ask him
[19:02] djpwee1: because i what to no
[19:02] NitrOus Cow: what you need to do is learn how to type
[19:02] NitrOus Cow: "because I what to no" is not a sentence, nor does it make sense.
[19:02] djpwee1: i am not casey
[19:02] NitrOus Cow: Oh really?
[19:03] NitrOus Cow: .........
[19:03] NitrOus Cow: geez, and I thought you were!
[19:03] djpwee1: who are u.....
[19:03] NitrOus Cow: ask casey
[19:04] djpwee1: i dont want to ask casey
[19:04] djpwee1: i ask u
[19:04] NitrOus Cow: Well, we all have to do things we don't like
[19:04] djpwee1: why?
[19:05] NitrOus Cow: It's called life... try stepping out your front door sometime.
[19:05] djpwee1: no is not....
[19:05] NitrOus Cow: Okay
[19:06] NitrOus Cow: well, let me know when you decide differently.
[19:06] djpwee1: what.....
[19:06] djpwee1: what.....
[19:07] djpwee1: why are u take to me like that
[19:08] NitrOus Cow: ..............
[19:08] NitrOus Cow: I DONT KNOW HOW I AM "TAKE" TO YOU
[19:08] djpwee1: who....
[19:09] NitrOus Cow: jesus christ... are you a fucking idiot?
[19:10] djpwee1: why are u taking to a asian gril like that
[19:10] NitrOus Cow: Because the asian grill isn't making good food.
[19:10] djpwee1: why....
Enough said.