What to say.........
alot really....
but, I'll spare you all of the details of the last few months. In summary: moving, some shit, some more shit, and then moving again. In conclusion: I don't have access to the internet like I used to. I have the school, and this is what I use to communicate anymore. Anyhow, I felt that I should probably update this, as it has been quite some time.
If I get a chance, I will spend some time writing out a meaningful(less?) blog entry. If I don't get a chance, then, well you know what happens then.
So, the main reason I wanted to stop here, is that my site is linked to the "bands of SD" page, so I figured it would be a great place to post our next show:
January 6th at "Venue 8" (the old reef/ shit club/ that place on 8th street across from the radison)
On Vibrato- from Salt Lake City, UT
---Jazzy yet illmatic post-rock...really good stuff
Check out to hear some tracks, and read about them
Normandy, 1927
--- Complete with new drummer, and an electric violin! We're going to suck, but you will listen!! Schnell!
and, some others, but not sure who as of yet...
7 o'clock, and some moneys...not sure how manys
I hope to see some folk there!
Until then, good night, and good day.