January 31, 2004

look out oldie.

cause Im going to rip you in half

Posted by jesse at 11:25 PM | Comments (1)

January 30, 2004

Your daddy sucks a lot o


Well, the person that visited my website, was none other than a member of Junetile. That's neat, and I thank him for stopping by, nice guys judging by the emails he sent :)

Well, I have my first web publishing position starting yesterday. I am working for GamingXS as an Xbox editor, and every day news poster. I don't believe I get paid for the job, but I do have an opportunity to recieve advance copies of games, and review them. Really, this is a great thing. It's not an extremely well known website, but they have a decent amount of visitors. Plus, its a foot in the door thing so to speak. I'm really excited about this.

Tonight I had practice with the band. It went really well, and it was good to finally play loud. Really got a sense of what we sound like as a group. We're still waiting for a drummer to come our way, but in the mean time, we're just writing songs. By pure accident, I began to play some Dungeons & Dragons rock riffs on my guitar. Josh followed up shortly with one of the best basslines I've ever heard. Inspiration, and suddenly Im screaming in Geddy lee fashion. Well, here are the lyrics to my very first D&D song ( oh yeah, slayer is spelled and pronounced " saleyer" because josh's last name is "saley"). Enjoy:

400 years have passed since the end of man.

Deep within the womb of time,
a creature dost be born.
See the light you united with
the ache of tyranny.
Presses forth from within the womb of life
for three-quarter but nigh a year,
the creature dost be born.
The creature dost be formed.

Chorus- It's the DRAGON!

Its the DRAGON!

Fall to me mighty Dragon,
for I am prince charles the d& d salayer.
Level 22, and near the princess's lair.

The time has come,
The heavens are numb
And the orc's no longer are dumb
I raise my sword in agony,
my knighthood is what my people beg of me
My princess rolls the dice, I obtain the special key

Chorus- Its the Dragon!

It's the Dragon

Fall to me , mighty dragon
For I am prince charles the D&D salayer
Level 24, now touching the princess's hair.


Music right now: Giardini Di Miro (amazing italian artist, check him out)

Posted by jesse at 12:26 AM | Comments (0)

January 24, 2004


Who is the person who said they "had placed" in my random songs list? Are you one of these artists? Jhnth.ghost...Im talking to you!

Posted by jesse at 04:15 AM | Comments (0)

January 21, 2004

Songs Im listening to

To contribute in rapidfish fashion, I give you the first 2o randomized songs on my playlist:

1. tarentel - Untitled (1:17)
2.Swords Project, The - A Case Study in Pathetics (5:38)
3. The Swords Project - City Life (4:18)
4. broken social scene - almost crimes [radio kills remix] (4:23)
5. junetile - dreamaway (2:46)
6. Norfolk and Western - Impossible (3:40)
7. Aereogramme - Will You Still Find Me? (4:13)
8. Slowdive - Avalyn 1 (4:50)
9. Sparrow Orange - Rus'ti-ca'tion (5:28)
10. Mono - Halo (7:43)
11.Sparrow Orange - To The Sea (6:30)
12. Mogwai - 05 - Rollerball (3:45)
13. Norfolk and Western - Terrified (3:12)
14. Menomena - The Late Great Libido (4:58)
15. beef terminal - losing (3:20)
16. Set Fire To Flames - 'I Will Be True...' (From The Lips Of Lying Dying Wonder Body #1)Reign Rebuilder [Head] (2:39)
17. Godspeed You Black Emperor! - moya (7:44)
18. The String Quartet Tribute to Radiohead - 03 - My Iron Lung.mp3
19. minus the bear - we are not a football team.mp3
20. swayzak - found a way enzo.mp3

What this proves? Im not sure, but hey, it might entertain someone.

Posted by jesse at 07:10 PM | Comments (2)

January 20, 2004

Dashboard confessional makes me cry


So, I just came home from a funeral in Sioux Falls. I'm very dissasociated when it comes to that sort of thing, so really not too much to discuss there. I learned that my cousins don't suck, and I'm no longer the only person in my family that listens to radiohead (contrary to posts by visitors, radiohead does not in fact suck, but rather have sucked, but we will forget about that wretched album).

I realized, whenever I leave town, there always seems to be something a bit different, no matter how long I leave for. I've been gone for two days, yet I had tons of news waiting for me at my doorstep, literally. Apparently we have new neighbors upstairs, and apparently, they want to steal our record room for their ski's and washer & dryer. That girl is already a snot, and we haven't even known her for 3 minutes.

I am now deciding that my blog has lost all of it's continuity, and is no longer interesting to read. I consistantly post crap that I don't even care to look back upon. I really feel that the older I get, the stronger stories from the past become. I just don't tend to run into situations anymore that lead to stories. On the other hand, I think that maybe everyday has some crazy story, to the point that I forget them.....

I am low on sleep. From this view, evan, my roomate looks really fat, and my table seems to be moving a bit.

Anyhow, Ill leave you with a quote:

me: " did you guys know that there is a string tribute to dashboard confessional out now"

Duran(guy I officially met tonight): "Yeah, a one string tribute of a noose and me hanging myself"

Lastly, these are some photos from tonight. This was on the sign for one of the shittiest motels in Rapid. I guess the owner walked in (this is according to that duran guy) in a drunken stooper saying that he wanted this on his billboard. Yet another sign that things change when I leave....


and this.


oh and this:


--cover my face with the gasoline sunrise--

Posted by jesse at 02:11 AM | Comments (1)

January 04, 2004


this was a retarded entry, so, I am currently deleting it. Here are some kind words:

hug, touch, pretty, cool, neat, soft, cuddle.

Posted by jesse at 04:37 AM | Comments (0)