Today I awoke early, and I had very little sleep last night. I was awake very late because I was worried about my exam in Political Philosophy that was looming on the horizon like a great monolithic bassoon. The questions for the final, five of them, were given to the class a week ago. The professor's game was, as she described, to select two of the five the morning of the test for us to answer in class. It means, my friend, that I had to study everything we covered in the second half of the term in order to be prepared. I stayed up late procrastinating with a classmate, and the two of us did no studying whatsoever for the hardest test we had ever been given. I slept pretty poorly because I was so worried about bombing the test. Twenty minutes before class, I asked a fourth year student who was wandering around our dorm whether I should take the test I know I will bomb, or just not go to class. He told me that since we get no letter grades, if I skip out on the final, I'll probably get no credit for the class--but if I go and bomb the test and pull some horrible mess out of my ass, my efforts will most likely be rewarded with full credit. I went to class, and bull shitted about Machiavelli, Simone de Pizan, and Michele Beauvoir for two hours in order to write SIX pages (longhand) of ri-god-damn-diculous essay test. I seriously think that it was the worst piece of writing that has ever flowed from my mind. It was just graphite on paper, but I saw it for what it really was. I handed in a pile of steaming excrement.
She'll probably laugh when she reads it.
Now that the term is over, here's my new improved
Nice. I'm finally a sophomore. I feel so dirty.
You are a Cyberculture Floozie. The theoretical aspects of postmodernism interest you only insofar as they can be used to make cool blinky things. You probably take psychedelics and know at least one programming language (HTML counts!). Other postmodernists call you a corporate whore. They're probably just jealous because you make more money than them.
What kind of postmodernist are you!?
I have about two weeks left of school, the last day of classes being the 15th. I will be leaving campus sometime maybe the 18th or the 19th, in a car headed for the Dayton aeropuerto, to get myself on ein flugzeug bound for Chicago, or maybe Minneapolis. I will leave that plane where it lands, and get on another one bound for Portland, Oregon. I will spend 11 or 12 days with relatives and friends there, say how much I love them and whatnot, give gifts, exchange addresses and phone numbers, chit-chat, maybe read a little, or watch some television. After happy fun times, I will ride with my sister and brother-in-law to Vancouver, where they live. The three of us will swing it Big Willie Style. We will drink, and be merry. We will also snowboard at Whistler, which will be very nice. I will spend my days until after the new year with them, and an appointed time I will take a train back to Portland. From Portland, I will get myself to the flugplatz, and get on un aeroplano bound for Minneapolis, or maybe Chicago. I will leave that plane where it lands and get on another one bound for Dayton, Ohio. This is where it gets tricky. I need to be in Burnsville, North Carolina on January 5th, so I will have to leave Dayton sometime on either the 2nd or 3rd of the month in order to get there on time, as I will be taking a bus. A Greyhound bus in Appalachia . . . somehow this concerns me. People on greyhounds are generally freaky, but Appalachia is where freaky people originated in America. I am genuinely scared of what might happen to me on my way to the Arthur Morgan School, where I will live until June 2004. I will be working as an intern, without pay. I will be living in a house with 7 or 8 middle schoolers, 12 to 15 year olds, as well as a pair of adults who are actually faculty members of the school. I will assist the faculty and in any way necessary to make the students' time there as enriching as possible. Mostly I will help out as a tutor and housekeeper. I will be an intern, and this is my second year in college! It's going to be great, but I am not going to get paid . . . yikes. I guess I'll have to think hard about how this will work.
Oh, and the fast was fun. Starving was great. I think I could really dig anorexia. Maybe next year.